My Baby Must Haves
/We are quickly approaching the four month mark :( I know people say time flies but seriously, they are not kidding! I often find myself wondering what I did before I had a baby. I took my free time and me time for granted. I realized this yesterday while running errands with my baby. Complete and utter torture, I swear. She hates her car seat so much, I have dreamed of the day when we go back to no child restraints. I mean I would use my Baby K'Tan to strap her to me if that counts? She screamed for about an hour, then after we got home, she was happy as a lark. I am so jealous of the people that can drive around to get their child to sleep. Tummy sleeper problem number 5,000.I unlike most first time moms, did not buy much before she was born. I had no idea what I was getting into and the stuff I did buy, I quickly regretted. A bassinet? Waste. Clothes that have buttons not snaps to fasten. Those people clearly do NOT have children. So I have come up with a list of some of my favorite things this far. I understand every child is different and everyone of these things may not have worked for you, but they would make a great baby gift for someone else to try!
1.) Diapers
I started out with Pampers because that is what the hospital uses. They were great until she learned how to blow out of her diaper and ruin outfits daily. Then I had a package of Luvs I got as a gift, too scratchy to me. I have not tried the off brands like Costco because I don't want 500 diapers if I hate them. The verdict in this house is HUGGIES! The cadillac of diapes for us. That little cinch above her booty is ideal, no more blowouts.
2.) Lotion
Aquaphilic. Thick, boring, non-scented lotion, non-staining, and non-irritating. I love it for all of those reasons. Pay about $11.00 and find it behind your pharmacy counter, it will last forever. You do NOT need a prescription, it's just so awesome they hide it! I found mine at Target.
3.) Shampoo
Mustela Foam Shampoo. Craddle cap? Dry, flaky scalp? This is the best! Again, it is a little pricey compared to Johnson's but at $12.00 per bottle, 1 pump per bath is all you need. A friend told me about this and I have never used anything but this. You can find this miracle stuff at Target, Buy Buy Baby, online, and other retailers.
4.) Wet/Dry Bags
I refuse to carry a diaper bag. I just have an extra large cute purse and throw this amazing bag in it with everything I could need. I carry things like diapers, wipes, lotion (sample size), baby wash (sample size), comb, extra change of clothes, teething ring, paci just in case she changes her mind :), nursing pads, a bib, mini trash bags, and room to spare! The best thing is if she has a blow out, dump the goodies out in your purse and use the bag to keep the wet clothes until you get home, wash it out and re-stock! Buy Buy Baby has these in many colors and sizes.
5.) Baby Monitor
Since my baby now sleeps in her crib...yes you heard me right! Success and one more thing to check off my bad mom list. I love love my Motorola Digital Monitor 3.5 video MBP 36 baby monitor. I can't imagine how you could improve this thing. First off, you can adjust the camera when they move, talk to them through the monitor, play pre-recorded music, adjust volumes or silence when you are tired of hearing them cry (it has sound-activated lights so you know they are crying, relax), night vision, temperature of the room, set an alarm to wake you up ( why would you ever do that?), and works up to 590 feet. For a mere $239.00 it was the best gift. Just buy this at Buy Buy Baby and use a 20% off coupon! Duh.
6.) Swing
4MOMS brand Mama Roo is really exactly what it says, for moms. This spaceship of a machine takes up little space and does everything but vibrate, not sure why it couldn't? I never read instructions so in the beginning I never used this because my baby likes to sit up and see things. Thanks Google for reminding me I already have a swing that would work. It lays back and sits up with the ease of 1 flap. With many different motion options, nature sounds built in, and a cord to hook up your phone/ipod. Hello Pandora baby station! I promise everything I buy is not that expensive, but this sells for around $230.00. Listen, this is the only swing/bouncer thing we own!
7.) Blankets/Swaddlers
As pictured above, our Aden & Anais swaddle blankets go everywhere with us! We do not use them for swaddling but they are great for that, great for wearing as a scarf for covering up while breastfeeding, and just a great around the house blankie. They are made from bamboo and are so light and breatheable but also very warm! Amazing!
8.) Baby Carrier
My go-to carrier is my Baby K'Tan. Quick, easy, and not much fuss. Best for around the house and fits easily into my purse. The Baby K'Tan is in my size and therefore does not fit my husband, that is one downfall. So our other carrier is the Ergo Baby Performance carrier. I used this for the first time 2 days ago for our first walk outside, perfection. Comfortable and easy to sneak a feeding in under wraps :). I can't wait to try all of the versitle postions this carrier has to offer. That purple thing is my baby :)
I hope some find this useful as I would buy these over and over again if I ever had more children, which will NEVER happen, so I will share with you all. Let me know if I am missing some of your favorite products. I would love to hear your feedback.