Jump start your day

Whoa! My diet is nothing to brag about lately but I have 2 things covered really well, carbs and sugar! This is not a normal diet for me, but every now and then I will indulge in an unhealthy meal, a few brews, and my favorite dessert, but this weekend took the cake..literally! I started wondering why I was feeling so tired and sluggish. I totally believe you are what you eat, which makes me a sweet ball of dough :) A few years ago I joined the Tone it Up team. They are 2 adorable California girls who have started an empire with recipes, their own protein powder, workout dvds, and now a new show Thursday nights on Bravo. It was $150 for a lifetime membership which includes new updates, recipes, and workouts on a regular basis. Awesome right? I am not one to follow it religiously, I just use the things I can stick to. If you don't want to buy anything, check out their website, tv show, or follow them on Pinterest for workouts and recipes.

So this morning I wanted and needed to get back on the bandwagon. Even though it doesn't feel like it, Summer is coming and that means bikinis! Listen, I am still in my twenties, I am going to rock a bikini until it's socially unacceptable! Losing the baby weight wasn't my hardest struggle, it is toning it all back up, which I am still working on. I did my Sunrise Abs routine and Hula Booty this morning in my living room while my little one napped. The gym is not the best option right now for me, I hate treadmill running and I am not a fan of lifting weights in front of a bunch of dudes. So I do my dvds and I get my cardio in by mall walking. I'm not kidding. I am so close to buying some white Keds, a fanny pack, and starting my own club but one already exists, bummer. It's really good for me to get out of the house so I don't go stir crazy. I strap my baby to me and walk laps, climb the stairs or escalators, and as a bonus, I get a coffee and window shop.

So back to this jump start. The Tone it Up girls have come up with a metabolism boosting drink, aka Meta-D, that you drink in the morning to boost calorie burning. Make this Sunday night and store in mason jars or other cups with lids for the entire week. This makes it easier for you to drink and go. Most of these ingredients are already in your pantry. Tip: drink the Meta-D after your workout because from my expierence, I don't like to re-taste it while I am working out :)

What you need: 1-2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar 2 oz organic apple juice 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 small shake cayenne pepper 6 oz water- I like it cold

Mix all ingredients together and stir well or put in a shaker. If you are going to prep this ahead of time you can leave out the water until you are ready to drink it. If the vinegar taste is too much, add more water or juice. Cheers!
