Outlets of Des Moines Gift Guide

I know how overwhelming Holiday shopping can be and it seems that our lists keep growing every year, but that is definitely something to be thankful for if that is the case for you! Even with the current pandemic, we still have gifts to give and don’t forget about your secret Santas or the white elephant gifts πŸŽ… I am here to make this years shopping trip fast and easy. Think one stop shopping!

I spent a day shopping and browsing the Outlets of Des Moines and put together a small gift guide to highlight some of my favorite items and plus I found some great gift ideas for the men too! P.S. Did you know there is a entire store dedicated to just hot sauces and beef jerky?? 🀯

First stop, The Cosmetics Warehouse Store.

Full of final sales, clearance, and favorite skincare items at a discount. My favorite gift idea from this store was for the teen, beauty lover, or secret Santa. For only $15 you choose a gift bag that is perfect for future use and fill it up with some sample size products. I love getting samples at the stores, plus it is a great way to find new favorites or to have those sizes for travel or for your purse/bags.


2.) Under Armour

Racks on racks of clothing and shoes for the entire family! Cold weather is approaching and cold gear for all outdoor activities is a great closet staple. Another great find was the wall of hats. Fishing, baseball, golfing, and sun hats! If you are wanting to make it more personal, then take it to a shop to have it embroidered or personalized.

I found matching leggings for moms and littles plus great pieces for school. Lunch boxes and backpacks are fun to gift with a little extra hidden surprise in it ☺️


3.) Eddie Bauer

Classic pieces that will last a long time. I found the best camouflage sweater! I would say a puffer vest is a safe bet for just about anyone in the family. It is a great layering piece and timeless style that will be in your and last throughout multiple seasons.

I chose to grab base layers like plain long sleeve shirts, a vest, and of course they have family fun pajamas too!


4.) Ralph Lauren

At first you would think that this store is only clothing, but they have several tables set up for your gift giving needs. From mugs to umbrellas, they have you covered, literally πŸ˜‰ The store does a nice job of having a few summer options like vacation wear and swim trunks, because after 2020 is over, we are all going to need a nice long vacation! Am I right??

They have a great children’s section with plenty of sales and clearance items! I was there to highlight my favorites but I may have ended up bringing a few pieces home!


5.) Kate Spade

Paradise! You walk in and your eyes scan the room for the best place to start but you can’t decide because the glitter and lights have you in awe! So many great finds in this store. Earrings for a party, sunglasses for vacation, phone or laptop cases because your work equipment still needs to look beautiful even while at home ☺️

My favorite finds are below, including bags/purses for every occasion.


6.) American Eagle Outfitters

This store may seem like it is for a younger crowd, but if you are having a hard time finding perfect fitting jeans, stop in! Yes, they do have great gifts for the teens but they also have clothing for any age! I tried on a few looks and yes, they may be trendy, but that is what is fun about receiving gifts! You may not necessarily need it but you WANT it 😊 I definitely did not need another lounge wear set, but this one is a total WANT!


If you are planning a visit to the Outlets, make sure you visit their WEBSITE for updated shopping hours and take a look at the STORE DIRECTORY .

**This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and words are my own.

2019 Made in Iowa Gift Guide

β€˜Tis the season to start buying for everyone on your list! Are you looking for a unique housewarming gift or for something Grandma doesn’t already have? Either way, I have you covered. I love to support my home state of Iowa and I am so happy to team up again this season to bring you my favorite Made in Iowa holiday gifts! Even if you are not located in Iowa, you can still shop from my list below!

This year’s Made in Iowa Gift Guide has fun gifts from local artists and shops from across the state. Surely you will be inspired to share the best of Iowa’s homegrown gifts with your loved ones this year.

Who is on your list to shop for?

Housewarming gift: Snuggle up with cozy blankets, candles and see my top pick below that is surely to make a lasting impression.

The Grandparents: Grab a personalized gift for the person who has it all.

The Foodie: Delicious stocking stuffers from more than 20 local Iowa businesses and farmers.

The Men: Beard oil and small-batch tonic mixers are perfect!

The New baby: Grab a matching hat for you and the newest member of your family!

Those are just a few examples of the many items available! Take a look at the website HERE for the complete gift guide, travel ideas within the state of Iowa, and a complete calendar of events!

I have highlighted my top picks below! Happy shopping!

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1.) This is the perfect gift for anyone! Secret Santa? A crazed sports fan who needs a hat with their team colors? Or do you want to match your mini? These custom made hats make the best gift and the quality is unlike any other. Contact her HERE to start your design!

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2.) I am ordering this ASAP. This is the ultimate reminder of that beloved family recipe or one passed on from a late family member. A cherished reminder of memories each time it is used. This makes a great gift for anyone, including a bride anytime of the year! Find more designs HERE.

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3.) From wooden Iowa ornaments to wooden signs, these make my top 5! Attach a wooden Iowa tag to a bottle of wine for the perfect housewarming gift. Use chalk to write names on them for place settings at your Holiday table for seat markers. See everything HERE.

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4.) Personalized Tupperware for the foodies, the bakers, or Grandma when she forgets who she brought food to last. ☺️ All products available are HERE.

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5.) Iowa nice. Because we are. This tank top (also comes in short sleeves) is perfect for the college student who obviously attends University of Iowa. ☺️ Perfect tailgate shirt too! Check out all of their products HERE.

I only highlighted my top 5 picks but there are soooo many more to mention. You can take a look at all of them HERE . Want a hint of what is left?? Iowa shaped soaps, jams, hot sauce, and beard oils. Seriously take a peek.

Happy Holidays friends and β€˜tis the season to spread love and kindness wherever you go. Be the light.

Make sure to follow Travel Iowa on all of their social channels to stay informed with upcoming activities and events.





**This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and words are my own.

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Calling all mamas or mamas to be! I have put together a fun gift guide that you can either use as a gift guide for your mamas OR conveniently send it to your significant others inbox 😬 Let’s be honest…we all know how to drop a hint or two! Haha

The only thing I love more than anything on Mother’s Day is not cooking πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Because I cook most meals at home and it is a treat to go out and not have to clean up anything! Although we were at Target the other day and I asked Rowan what she wanted to get me for Mother’s day and her reply was priceless….Louis Vuitton luggage. She is totally my kid. And then she proceeded to tell me to go look at in Target and she would let me pick it out. Ummm honey Target is great but not THAT great πŸ˜‚

So to shop the images below, just click on the picture and it will take you to the product where you can add it to your cart!

Happy shopping….or hinting πŸ˜‚

